온실가스/에너지목표관리제 대비 태양열을 적용한 한우리집 급탕시스템 분석
Boyeon Kim and Yeseul Lee Department of Enviromental Science and Engineering Ewha Womans University The study was carried out for educational purposes only, and the result may not be scientifically accurate.
Research/Undergrad Research Projects
2013. 1. 28. 23:34
Convergence Characteristics of a Domain Decomposition Scheme for Approximation of Quantum Forces
Jungim Yoon and Sojung Park Department of Enviromental Science and Engineering Ewha Womans University The study was carried out for educational purposes only, and the result may not be scientifically accurate.
Research/Undergrad Research Projects
2013. 1. 28. 23:31
Virtual Relocation of Ewha Womans University- Its Impacts on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Virtual Relocation of Ewha Womans University- Its Impacts on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Jieun Shin and Yangsun Lee Department of Enviromental Science and Engineering Ewha Womans University The study was carried out for educational purposes only, and the result may not be scientifically accurate.
Research/Undergrad Research Projects
2013. 1. 28. 23:29