Yiseul Kwon and Hyowon Lee Department of Enviromental Science and Engineering Ewha Womans University The study was carried out for educational purposes only, and the result may not be scientifically accurate.
Seonju Kim, Seunghee Youn, and Dami Chung Department of Enviromental Science and Engineering Ewha Womans University The study was carried out for educational purposes only, and the result may not be scientifically accurate.
Wee, D., Park, S., and Ghoniem, A. F. Impact of curvature on the kinematic response of small flames. Journal of Engineering Mathematics. Volume 74, Issue 1 (2012), Page 37-52. doi:10.1007/s10665-011-9481-5 Abstract The objective of the study is to investigate the impact of curvature on the kinematic response of an axisymmetric curved laminar premixed flame, utilizing a phenomenological relations..