Power Generation Characteristics of a Sandwich-Type Self-Heating Thermoelectric Generator손효주, 윤한라, 윤혜진The study was carried out for educational purposes only, and the result may not be scientifically accurate.
SAM(System Advisor Model)을 이용한 국립환경과학원 탄소제로건물의 태양광발전 성능 분석 및 경제성 평가백서희 ∙ 안소현 ∙ 이슬아 The study was carried out for educational purposes only, and the result may not be scientifically accurate.
Mikyung Kim and Hyein YangDepartment of Enviromental Science and Engineering Ewha Womans University The study was carried out for educational purposes only, and the result may not be scientifically accurate.
Hyomin Kim and Seunghui Hong Department of Enviromental Science and Engineering Ewha Womans University The study was carried out for educational purposes only, and the result may not be scientifically accurate.
Boyeon Kim and Yeseul Lee Department of Enviromental Science and Engineering Ewha Womans University The study was carried out for educational purposes only, and the result may not be scientifically accurate.